The New Age and Satanism

By Vexen Crabtree 2004

#comparative_satanism #new_age #religion #satanism

Satanism is not part of the New Age and is in most areas very much incompatible with traditional New Age thought. However bookstores will invariably put LaVey's books in the Mind-Body-Spirit section, through ignorance and innocence. LaVey's texts clearly should be in philosophy or religion section - probably in the latter.

1. A Brief Introduction to the New Age

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The New Age is a wildly varied collection of practices and beliefs rather than a structured belief system, and as such it is difficult to define1. Popular elements include alchemy, alternative psychotherapy techniques, animism, aromatherapy, astrology, channeling, crystal work, divination, Gnosticism, karma stuff, lightwork and colour healing, magic, mediums, psychic powers of every kind, reincarnation and past life regression, sacred geometry (leylines, pyramid power, magical shapes), Spiritualism, Tarot card readings, Taoism, Yoga and many other splintered movements and zany practices2,3

It derives from folklore, superstition, pre-modern magical beliefs and elements of Hinduism and Buddhism. The peoples of mythical places such as Atlantis and Avalon rub shoulders with the gods, goddesses and other spiritual beings from ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, Celtic, Nordic, Saxon, Teutonic and Native American belief systems4. New Agers themselves emphasize the 'arcane' nature of their 'ancient' and 'secret' wisdom5. Some of it comprises of practices that are commonplace in the East (such as meditation) but which are simply called 'new age' when they happen to be practiced by Westerners. Much of the Indian influence on the New Age derives from diluted practices and ideas brought from India by the Theosophists.

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2. Things in Common Between the New Age and Satanism

#new_age #satanism

Satanism and the New Age do have some things in common:

3. Fundamental Disagreements Between the New Age and Satanism


4. To Oppose or Support the New Age Movement?


Is Satanism inherently opposed to the New Age? On the one hand, it is not. This is because there is a cross over, some Satanists' are well versed in New Age concepts and practices through the mutual study of Hindu or other religious beliefs that individuals interested in New Age and Left Hand Path might read up on. Many Satanists have been, or are, actively interested in various new age shops, people, events, practices and theory.

The "worth" of New Age is that it still freshens some peoples' minds, it forces the world to accept different ideas and fights stagnation. But the disadvantages are that it may well foster and cultivate gullible stupidity and it certainly is a refuge for sheep who fail to question the whys and hows (of both the practices themselves and the practitioners who take their money). Depending on what a Satanist thinks the greater evil (organized religion... or stupidity?) and whether they grant the logic of the various branches of the new age in general any credit will determine whether (s)he opposes or supports (or ignores!) the New Age.